Secuextender ssl vpn client
Secuextender ssl vpn client

  • Using the MSAD Group Policy Management Console, create a new group policy object linked to an OU.
  • P ut the agent installers and the vbs file onto an accessible network share.
  • All clients in this OU will have the software automatically installed. If strDebug Then WScript.echo "DEBUG: Installer version is " & strInstallerVersion & " and agent version is " & strAgentVersionĮnd Function Automated installation via group policyĬreate a MSAD group policy object and link it to an OU. If strInstallerVersion > strAgentVersion Then StrAgentVersion = objFSO.GetFileVersion(strAgent) StrInstallerVersion = objFSO.GetFileVersion(strInstaller) Set colProcessors = objWMI.ExecQuery("select AddressWidth from Win32_Processor where DeviceID=""CPU0""")ĮlseIf (objProcessor.AddressWidth = 64) Thenįunction isInstallerNewer(strInstaller,strAgent) Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2") If strDebug Then WScript.Echo "DEBUG: Installed agent is the same version or newer, doing nothing" ObjShell.Exec(strInstaller & " " & strArguments) If strDebug Then WScript.echo "DEBUG: Running " & strInstaller & " " & strArguments If (isInstallerNewer(strInstaller,strTargetDir & "\agent.exe") = true) Then StrInstaller = strSourceDir & "\sslvpn-agent-windows-x86.exe" StrInstaller = strSourceDir & "\sslvpn-agent-windows-x86_64.exe" ObjShell.Exec(strTargetDir & "\uninstall.exe" & " " & strArguments)ĮlseIf Not (colNamedArguments.exists("uninstall")) Then If strDebug Then WScript.echo "DEBUG: Running " & strTargetDir & "\uninstall.exe" & " " & strArguments If objFSO.FileExists(strTargetDir & "\uninstall.exe") Then If (colNamedArguments.exists("uninstall")) Then StrTargetDir = "C:\Program Files\Barracuda\SSL VPN Agent" StrArguments = strArguments & " -dir """ & colNamedArguments.Item("dir") & """"ĮlseIf Not colNamedArguments.exists("dir") Then

    secuextender ssl vpn client

    StrTargetDir = colNamedArguments.Item("dir") ' Check for a specified directory, otherwise use the default If strDebug Then strArguments = strArguments & " -splash ""Barracuda Networks SSL VPN"""

    secuextender ssl vpn client

    ' Check to see if the user wants to see a splash screen for debugging If colNamedArguments.exists("responsefile") Then strArguments = strArguments & " -varfile """ & colNamedArguments.Item("responsefile") & """" ' Pick up the argument to point out where the properties file is StrSourceDir = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)

    secuextender ssl vpn client secuextender ssl vpn client

    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject") ' /uninstall Performs unattended uninstallation ' /dir:"C:\Program Files\Barracuda\SSL VPN Agent" Specifies non-default directory for installation ' /responsefile:"\\server\share\responseFile.txt" Contains options to be pre-configured on the client ' This script takes zero or more arguments: ' Barracuda Networks SSL VPN Standalone Agent deployment script

    Secuextender ssl vpn client